A Collage of Thoughts

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.
In bringing up the NOPD sheriff's claims made on national TV such as Oprah, I deride not so much the predictable misjudgment made by individuals living within a "hell-on-earth" situation, but the fact that EVERY MEDIA OUTLET IN AMERICA RAN WITH THESE UNPROVEN STATEMENTS AS FACTS! And there is no way to deny the fact that what is reported affects decisions made at every level. That's why we evidenced the moving in of extra refridgeration convoys to mobi-morgue the anticipated atrocity. We saw the shipping in of 20,000 body bags in preparation. It's great to be prepared. Especially when in every other way WE weren't. I say WE because failure occurred at EVERY level. From the local boondoggled public offices turning away Amtrak's offer to train people out; the delayed activation of the Governor's own National Guard personnel; to the much delayed movement by the Federal Government and the Military in the region to begin what it is they do. Most everyone failed. Churches were the fastest to respond along with the Red Cross and United Way. Each has it's own abilities that they bring to the table, or, should I say, the disaster zone. Churches are reportedly providing the majority of safe housing, food, and support being given to the evacuees of Katrina. Yet, the liberals are decrying the provision of ANY funds to these organizations that are currently meeting needs that the governments' agencies could not. And they are fulfilling a role that you libs would not. We need to make sure that these groups, agencies and ministries that are doing a tough job with amazing compassion are supported as they are doing the supported. We need to do this expediciously and judiciously.
"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
I am awestruck and repeatedly dumbfounded at the media's reporting any word, statement, tid-bit, morsel, and thought and reporting it as fact. I was brought up thinking that news should be the unbiased reporting of facts and tabloids were the unsupported publishing of everything else. We have become a nation of tabloid reporting. Not only this but that when faced with contradictory facts, are visibly absent from corrections and apologies. They self regulate so report to no one when they repeatedly bestow their lack of integrity and wisdom upon us. This needs to be brought to an end.
Did you know that the airplane Buddy Holly died in was named the "American Pie." (Thus the
name of the Don McLean song.)
Republicans are for Limited Government, lower taxes, less spending, and "Compassionate Conservatism." Well, if that's true, they have a lot of work to do. Our expansion of government is unprecedented and expected to grow further. Our National Debt is a number that is essentially the sum of the GNP of the rest of the world combined, and we see business compassion. Jobs gifted to friends such as the FEMA heads' at the expense of the rest of society is a crime. Cronyism must end immediately.
The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. Disgusting!
Will China be the next Saudi Arabia? Scientist's and Economist's thin so. China's 5-Year bid for becoming a global leader and financially solvent is not only nearing a pinnacle, but they plan on being the worlds leading supplier of the future energy sources. They hope to be the #1 exporter or energy to the rest of the planet. Does anyone besides me see a problem with this? It's time to be decidedly strategic with our energy plan. When the term "Comprehensive" is used, it needs to be entirely comprehensive. It's also going to hurt. All of us. For some time too. We should, as the leading consumer of oil, dictate exactly what we are willing to pay to OPEC. If they don't like $10 per barrel, then we'll take our business elsewhere. We need to keep technologies such as rapid prepared photovoltaic cells manufacturing, water engines, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, wind, ethanols and other H-based compounds under the strictest supervision. Offer tax free development ops for any companies working to develop alternative energy sources and technologies. Start planning for the funding of the rebuilding of our National Grid. Drill when possible. Respect the wildlife, but drill. Entice, or should I say incentivise, the petroleum companies in Texas to use their vast oil fields for their obvious solar and wind opportunities. Tell GM that if they ever want another Hummer order for the military that they WILL get their cars performing to standards of 80 MPG. Open up the competition to everyone to shop around for the lowest cost of energy. Raise standards for home building and reconstruction to improve the energy efficiency of new homes and improve the greening of industrial and commercial buildings. Create Night by lowering costs for companies that turn off the light after hours like in parking lots. We need to do it all. We need to start right away.
Did you know that by the time a cat is 15 years old, he's slept 10 years away...
And, since the world is outpacing us now in everything except waist size, we need to restructure our schooling places to emphasize proper diet and exercise. We need more options for students too. Not all are cross-country runners or football players. Yes there will be cost. But since we're going to kick out the junk food companies placing soda and candy machines in the schools halls, replace them with incentives to companies that make healthy products and sporting goods. Gatoraid can sponsor nationally a week of gym classes. Nike a month. They can promote their juices and jock straps that entire week. I could see PowerOne bars providing a free bar for breakfast with buy-one-get-one coupons and healthy eating information packs. Man, this would be great. For our kids futures.
Did you know that Coca-Cola was originally green? You have to know it's bad for you.
Anyway, sorry for the length of my daily rant. It's been a long week. Exactly 9 days according to the local media, but you can't believe everything you read. Have a great day.
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