A community of people who strive everyday to understand their place and role in todays' world; try desperately to come to grips with their short-comings; and evaluate and challenge what they believe and hold to be true.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Churchs of Hate

They say we’re evolving. Getting smarter, Living longer. Loving more. I guess I just don’t see it. Do you? I mean we have a Hollywood elite that has completely lost touch with reality. A majority of them cannot comprehend what is required to make a relationship successful so bank on their career exploding after their third or fourth divorce and child out of wedlock. We have a soapish generation of teens vying to emulate what they are told is “reality” by MTV. Shock-Jocks make millions by hurtling all common-sense aside and spreading the gospel of lust and self-centeredness across the airwaves 24x7. We have left-wing people calling for the extermination of the president and demonstrating amid laughter the beating and kicking of a conservative on TV. We have police officers stealing from those they trained to protect after the hurricanes watchful eye had passed on by. We have Nazi’s protesting gay marriage amendments. We have the communist organization now known as the ACLU fighting against your right to pray in school or at work but vocally and financially fighting for your kids right to experiment with homosexuality while still in elementary school. The litmus test for Supreme Court nominee’s now includes that the candidate “must be Pro-Choice” and “cannot profess Christ” and, if we include Teddy Kennedy’s fear “that you might interpret the law too narrowly.” Terrorists who are dissatisfied with their lives think it their “god-given right” to kill innocent men, women and children for a cause that they could never define on paper. We have beautiful young girls and ladies trying desperately to escape the poverty of their former “cinder-block” eastern nations only to be tricked by pimps into a life of “indebted” gratitude from which they cannot escape. Gangs all over the world make sport of randomly killing someone to prove their “worth or manhood.” People are killed for a few dollars of packet change by strangers trying to finance their next fix. Junior High School students consider hooking up and oral sex as just something friends do for one another. Father’s ignite in fury and beat-up coaches at schooling events in which they should be proudly rooting for their children at play and promoting life-skills. Suicide has become all to common. So common in Japan that there are web-sites that you can use to sign up for suicide partners. It’s so nice when someone can share your pain. The rainforest is being deforested at an alarming rate to support industries like lumber and coca farming. Ethnic cleansing still routinely occurs in nations around the world while the U.N. and U.S. plays it politically safe through “engaging dialogue.” Millions of unborn are aborted each year for matters of personal convenience. Female infanticide occurs in many countries where limits have been placed on children and males are preferred. In the aftermath of so many natural disasters of unprecedented number and scale, talk-show pundits stepped up the microphone to complain and point fingers, Hillary passed the plate for her election hopes, and churches stepped up to the plate to feed, shelter and clothe. Even today, in 2005, in numerous Muslim nations, people are put to death for converting to Christianity or for sharing their beliefs with other Muslims. Liberal tenured professors can not only keep their jobs, but make millions writing books for stating the idea that those who perished in 9/11 were like little Heimans deserving of their fate. We have churches proselytizing that homosexuals are fags and that they deserve what comes to them. We have people who will be denied life-saving treatments because their HMO doesn’t cover it or they have been cut back to 38 hours. Children raised in homes of hate are spreading their "gospel" over the airwaves and at concerts. We have millions upon millions of people dying world-wide from preventable diseases, lack of water and hunger.


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