I was considering the price paid by Christ the other day. If you've seen "The Paasion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson, you are forever acutely aware of the immense physical penalty paid by Jesus for our sins. As the "be-all-and-end-all" sacrificial lamb, His body was broken, but freely offered as an atonement for the bad things mankind has ever done or had yet to do..
The dirty thought you had today? That was why He had to die. The angry clause you issued today towards one of your family members? That was why He had to die. The curse word you spat upong the guy slowing down the line of traffic and making you late for work? That was why He had to die. The unloving way we treated, thought about, or responded to the poor homeless guy looking for spare change today, ...that was why He had to die.
I hear people say "I'm a good person. Why would God send me to hell?" Or, "if God is indeed a God of love, then why would He allow people to suffer eternally?" And even the commonplace "if God really loved us, He would make Himself clearly known." To these I say "have you never lied? Or thought someone was useless? Or thought of your own pleasures before someone elses well being? Or failed to show God's love through your example to even the most despicable? Or wanted to hurt somebody? Or said anything crude? Or enjoyed a moment of popularity at someone elses expense? Or thought of anything more important than God Himself? Or looked lustfully at another male or female that was not your spouse? Or hung out at inapproapriate websites that "use" and devalue people? Or failed to keep a promise? Or judged anyone unfairly or passed judgement without knowing all of the details? Or failed to do what you knew was right beacuse of a million reasons that popped into your head to justify your inaction?" To these I say "you are guilty." As am I.
And yes, God did try to make it clear who He was. Even took our humiliating form and spoke our languages so that we might get it straight. Even gave us thousands of years of clues before His coming to ensure that we wouldn't miss identify Him. And yes, even told us up-front what the rules and penalties were for our disobeying of the rules. Rules meant not to limit our enjoyment of life but to protect one another; our posessions; our hearts; our relationships; and our value.
So, I say "admit it." We are the reason that the world is the way it is. We are the reason why there is so much death and destruction. We are the reason that we consider invaluable the unborn child or aged, degenerated adult. We are the reason why people take their own lives out of loneliness or helplessness. Weare the reason millions upon millions go hungry day after day. We are the reason why so many children die from preventable diseases. We are the reason why stress is the causative agent for over half of the modern worlds illnesses. We are the reason why women suffer rape and abuse. We are the reason for the violent crimes that are committed daily oft for a few dollors of pocket change. We are the reason. We are the reason. We are the reason.
If Jesus could accept the penalty, the very least you and I could do is to accept the blame.
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