
I am reminded of the N.K.Cole song "unforgettable." That's what God says about us each and every day. But we're not so inclined to be able to say the same about God. Our actions, and even our inactions oft prove that we have indeed forgotten about God repeatedly throughout the day.
Will we ever be so inclined to be otherwise 100% congnizent of his presence 24/7? I am not even aware of my own presence each and every moment. I am not 100% aware of the people around me or their needs. I am not aware of everything that is occurring around me or even to me many times. I forget to ask Him His opinions on important matters. I forget to ask Him for His strength to help me continue throughout the day. I forget to consider those around me more important than myself. I forget to ask for forgiveness when I have done wrong. I forget to check what I am listening to or viewing against the word of God. I forget to watch what I am saying in light of the damage that it may cause. I forget to always do what is right.
I forget to forgive. God, forgive my forgetfulness.
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