Rain, Reigns, Reining

I write you from the great Northeastern part of the United States. Where, as many of you have heard, we have enjoyed 3 months worth of rain in a period of a week. Most of have had the opportunity to observe Mother Nature cleaning out our basements in the last couple of days. I am thankful that it is as small and trite as that. With a reported 30 automobiles swept away in Worcester ( a city nearby to us) and the numerous homes, autos and people swept away just north of us in New Hampshire, I am indeed thankful.
I guess it was fortuitous that I never got the chance to finish off my basement this past summer. Then it would have really been a mess.
Today in Toledo, Ohio, an anti "Black Crime" protest by a neo-Nazi group was the catalyst for a mob scene resulting in a huge standoff between the Nazi's and area residents. Toledoites (if that's what they're called) were calling an army of relatives, friend and other neighbors to join in the protest against the neo-Nazi group.
Police brought in over a hundred officers to help quell the outbreak and rained tear-gas down upon them to help tighten the reigns on the demonstration.

To celebrate, over 350 bonfires were lit one by one yesterday evening in a chain of light that illuminated the skies from Copenhagen to every corner of the small kingdom. This repeats a tradition dating back to the Bronze Age.
It will however be some time before Denmark's little prince officially holds the reigns.
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