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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Good Bye Gerhard

Great news today from unified Germany. Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (Liberal Democrat) tendered his resignation earlier today after suffering a defeat to Angela Merkel of the conservative union. He then stated at a packed meeting in the trade fair center in his home town of Hannover that "I will not belong to the next government, definitely not." There's a winner for ya. That good ol' "I'm outa here" attitute. I guess it never really was about the country. Sad ending, but fitting, for a man who snubbed his nose at the world. Especially the country for which his owes much. If you remember, the wonderfully divided Germany became the greatest social experiment the world has ever seen. On one side, Democracy and Freedom and the other Communism. The results, the free Democratic side became a world power again and an economic powerhouse in under 50 years. The other, possessed nothing.
I venture to say: "France is next!" Viva la difference.


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