A community of people who strive everyday to understand their place and role in todays' world; try desperately to come to grips with their short-comings; and evaluate and challenge what they believe and hold to be true.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Spinning On My Stress Ball, The Earth

Do you ever have those days? You know, when you say "God, I'm gonna do my best to try to get it right!" And then, all of a sudden, you put your leg over the side of the bed and dropped your feet to the floor and it's all over from there? Well, that was today. A Thursday much like most Monday mornings except it was all day. Unexpected construction zones and an old lady driving 10 mph under our already ridiculously slow speed limits had me pulling into the train station as the train was pulling away. I then toyed (for 5 seconds) with the crazy idea of racing at the speed of sound to the next station and beating the train. Well, I'm sure you can guess what I did. I knelt in prayer and said "O.K. God, your in control here and I'm not. What would you..." Not. I gunned it and beat the train to the next station. Couldn't find a parking space so I parked illegally in the woods. Figured the squirrels would protect my truck from being towed. I then jumped on board and tried to get some work done. I fell asleep and missed my rail stop. Ooops. Now I had to bus it back to where I supposed to get off. And you know what? That was the good part of my day. How was yours?


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