Road Trip

A good friend of mine is turning 40 and we enjoyed a nice get togethor, wine-tasting, good discussions, good times. The same day, I attended the funeral for a young man who lost his battle with cancer at 40. I have numerous friends and neighbors battling cancer. Many friends whose marriages are in jeopardy; some battling various addictions; and some carreer unstable. My oldest is preparing for college (blows my mind) while I am trying my hardest performance-wise to make sure I do not lose my job. We recently had to put our dog down after 13 years with us. She was 14 which is quite old for a lab. She was the best dog one could ask for. Bye "Babs." I am just getting over pneumonia and my wifes transmission blew for the 4th time since September. Yes. Life is crazy. But you know what, I have much, much, much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful wife and great kids. I have a roof over my head. I can afford to go to the doctor when ill and I can effectively feed my children. I have friends who do care about me. I have started singing again. Many years of playing in bands, performing around the world, and singing or leading worship made me unable to give it up. It is a part of me. A part of what makes me enjoy living. It's a passion. Thank you God for giving me another chance to sing for you. I hope to be able to take it to the next level.
Yeah, life is like a road trip. Sometimes a little bumpy. Sometimes you accidentally swerve into the rumble strip and are not-so-gently reminded to get back on course. Sometimes you need to pull over for gas. Sometimes you find that you are unable to see the road. Sometimes the road is treacherous. and sometimes you get lost. Wherever you find yourself today, remember that there is a God who wants to traverse the road with you. Will offer correction and forgiveness when you find yourself lost and off course. He wants to refresh you when you're out of gas. He is the God who knows where your going and where you should be heading. He sees the road conditions even when it's dark outside. He's the gentle voice saying "turn left" or "turn around. You're heading over a cliff and you don't even know it." What I have come to recognize are the signs. Much better than when I was a teen or in college. There are signs everywhere. Some stay "Yield," some "One Way." Some are those funny curvy ones indicating you're in for a shaking up ahead. Some just say "Stop." Life too is full of signs. Fooling around with drugs and you apt to get addicted, lose your job and destroy your family. "Messin wit yo bro's lady" as my ebonics bible hilariously put it will only ruin the relationships in your life. Laziness will make you lose your job. And avoiding doing what God designed your to do will leave you without satisfaction and joy in life. I am reminded of Jim Carey in "Bruce Almighty" where he is questioning what he is supposed to do and is asking God repeatedly for a sign when in actuality the signs are everywhere he goes. Sometimes they are big and right in front of us. Some take the form of other peoples examples from which we should learn. Remember the old adage: it's good to learn from experience; it's better to learn from other people's experiences.
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