Coming Home

I want to start this letter by stating unequivocally that I believe that God is…
Strange way to start a discussion. There is something hanging intentionally. Unfinished. Incomplete. Imperfect. Like short sentences we utter daily never really getting out the flood of words, ideas and thoughts that barrage our minds daily. A million stars twinkling in our heads every hour, yet, we speak short insignificant nothings. To our peers, wives, children, wives. We have become the Windows Blue Screen. It’s recognizable, but hardly detailing the billions of bits of operations that were and are going on behind it. We dare commit to voicing our perceptions, ideas, understandings, revelations from God: Truth. We have become the empty syringe or pill, a placebo. In our own minds effective. In truth however, we fail to get in the face of those we love with serious conviction and probable solutions. We can’t bring ourselves to tell someone that they have a terrible disease or life pattern. We can’t bring ourselves to say that we might have the same issue.
There is no doubt in my mind that God wants…
I have had several friends dealing with issues of infidelity. Infidelity: to their wives and children; to their bodies; to their God given talents; to their work; to their purpose in life.
The guilt is overwhelming. For them, you, and me. Some of you (let’s get honest) may not have gotten involved with the destructive behaviors if someone had intercepted; if someone had spent more time with you asking questions and being present within your’ personal space. I do not pretend that I am better, that I make better choices or understand the greatest mysteries of life, passion, sociology, psychology, God’s creation or how we are driven or impulsed in one area or another. Quite the contrary. I have come to recognize that I am quite capable of making the same mistakes that you have. I have struggled with various temptations over the years and thank God that He continually works on me.
God, for eternity, has been in the business of…
I want to see my friends successful. But really, what does that mean? Does it mean a solid career path in a high paying job? I suppose that it could. But it is not a clear indication. I would rather the evidence bring light to their abilities as a father to their children; as a dedicated lover of their wives; as men who seek God’s wisdom over their own; as friends who truly care for one another and speak truth when necessary. God is in the reconstruction business. Like things in my home of 5 children, they were once constructed but almost everything needs to be reconstructed at some point. I bet you know what I mean. God created. It’s a simple statement. But even more empowering is He is still creating. He’s creating new futures for us all of the time. He is creating beauty from the ashes where we once trespassed.
God has never…
Knowing that we are all prone to foul up, there is no division between us. Whether its’ doing our jobs well; remaining faithful to our wives; developing a dependence on drugs or alcohol; not taking care of the bodies and possessions God has given us; not helping the poor and lonely; stealing or developing a welfare attitude; having hopeless or suicidal thoughts; failing to demonstrate our faith to our children; or forgetting to be real friends, we are all similarly guilty and worthy of the crap we create.
This is why I say to you all today, I care about you and your families. I care that you may have destructive, addictive tendencies that maybe you’ve had for years and don’t know how to beat. I care that you may not be on the path that God has planned for your lives nor are you living that purpose out successfully.
And, I am sorry. I am sorry that I didn’t say it sooner. Or, that I allowed busyness and fear to get in the way of saying things that needed to be said. I am sorry for trying to pretend that I had everything together when a better friend would have said “let’s get through these life situations together.” I will not judge you, only be there to help in any way that I am able.
The good thing to remind yourself of is that God will…
He will restore a heart that has become cold and separated from Him. He will paint a masterpiece depicting a new future for us. He will walk and talk with us when we reach out for Him and seek Him first, above all other things. He will bring the beauty from ashes that we all desperately need. It’s about coming home.
Now go back to the statements unfinished above and complete them in a quiet discussion with God. Because for each one of us, the answer will be a little bit different. And that’s o.k. I just want to hear back from you what He completes each sentence with.
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