Media Ménage à Trash
We now spend an incredible amount of our salaried time reading useless emails, surfing useless internet sites and blindly following useless links around the web-world. A study involving 10,000 workers cites the random surfing of the web as the leading cause of productivity loss every day. The average hours per day spent? A whopping 2.09 hours. And that’s while on the job. The salaried cost for this unproductive use of FTE's is a mind-boggling $759 Billion a year. For more info you can investigate this (on your own time) at
My thoughts, and these are merely my opines so you should weight them all in light of eternity, and the possible loss of your jobs, is to leave the surfing to your lunch time and after hours activities. Put your work, family, fitness and faith first. Then putting on your spelunking gear and head into the dark crevices’ of the internet.
Now for some news commentary. If you are interested in Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or Anna Nicole, Daniel Radcliffe, Beyonce, Jessica, Pitt, Cruise or the rest, find yourself another blog to waste your time on. I have no interest in individuals who's greatest desire is to coin-toss between one bad decision or another. And to do it well aware that a brain-dead population of imbeciles who live vicariously through their escapades vie E or the Enquirer will be waiting to tune in nightly. Have I made myself clear?
Now I start of tonight with a "Bravo" to Michael Flaherty of Walden Media for having the courage to fly in the face of the Media Elite and produce films that are of a good quality and of great value to families with children. His works range from "Holes" to "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," to "Because of Winn Dixie," to his latest releases "Amazing Grace" and "Bridge to Terabithia." His desire has been to encourage reading of the classics and writings of the greatest authors such as Thoreau (from whose book Flaherty draws his company's name, Walden) and C.S. Lewis. I thank Mr. Flaherty for using his ability in the Media world to give us something we can safely take or children to; use for moral grounding; and that gives our kids hero's they can proudly emulate.
How many of you have been staying abreast of the discovery of the entombed Ossuaries in Jerusalem labeled with the names Jesus, son of Joseph; Maria (Mary); Yose (Joseph); Mariamne (Mary Magdalene); Matia (Matthew); James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus; and Judah, son of Jesus. Filmmaker James Cameron is producing a film entitled “The Lost Tomb of Jesus.” If you haven’t thought this one through yet, you need to. Albeit it entirely possible that this is just one of the merely hundreds of possible tombs with a name Yeshua inscribed on at least one of the ossuaries contain within; this one has some unique distinctions. First, the combination of these names together is somewhat obvious. Second, although a family tomb, DNA testing of remains found in the ossuaries indicate family relationships and non-family remains exactly as one would predict. The implications should this be authentic are going to cut deep into Christian belief and theological core. If true, Jesus’ bodily resurrection may not be supportable in spite of Matthew’s insistence in the Gospels. Was it then a spiritual ascension then what Christ foretold? It’s a good time for Christians to refresh their memory as to the text and context of the resurrection and come to an understanding, with the assistance of God’s spirit, as to what we are to know and understand from the history of Christ.
Looks like the race will be heating up. John McCain announced his intent to run for the Presidency on “Late Night with David Letterman.” I personally think he should have first used YouTube.
Here’s a young guy you haven’t heard of but who I think has contributed more in a couple of years towards bettering the world than 90% of the Hollywood Elite will in their lifetime. And, he’s only 15 years old. His name is Zach Hunter and his cause is human slavery. Reported by the International Labor Organization to be a number as high as 12.3 Million people (most are women and children), it is largely invisible to the West. The organization he created is called “Loose Change to Loosen Chains” and can be found at . I encourage you all to become abolitionist in 2007. Like Wilberforce in Flaherty’s “Amazing Grace” we as Christians must be agents for positive change. Whether God has given you a heart for the elderly, the enslaved, the poor, the handicapped, youth, pregnant teens, the suicidal, the environment, animal welfare, or the ability to teach a skill, build or repair a home, bless with musical abilities, fix a car, fix a marriage, or befriend the lonely, you can’t keep putting it off.
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