A community of people who strive everyday to understand their place and role in todays' world; try desperately to come to grips with their short-comings; and evaluate and challenge what they believe and hold to be true.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The Courage and Decision to not Waste Your Life do not come easily or without cost. Have you yet taken inventory of your life and weighed the cost of both doing so and not? Have you figured out what you stand to lose by standing for Christ? I tell you that you stand to lose everything. Everything you currently hold dear. Everything you find your dependency in. Your job or career; your source of food and shelter; the things you hold value in and your dreams as well. All may be lost. Or, shall I say replaced. Or, re-priced. When you make the decision to not waste your life, you make the decision to remove anything that weighs you down. You will discount or consider of less value or even worthless that which hinders what God would have you do. Like Paul reminds us, even our flesh must be made subject. I am not condoning with the practice of many historical sects to brandish, burn or cut themselves to prove worthy or to visibly demonstrate the “submission” of their flesh to things considered godly. No. I also do not think glory is brought to God by re-enacting the crucifixion yearly by dozens of young men in the Philippines to have themselves thrust upward where all can now consider what your cost was 2000 years ago. So what is required? Death. Death to yourself; Death to self-centered desires; Death to having your own way; Death to ego; Death to always having to be right; Death to wasting your life, time, mind, and strength on things that do not matter or benefit anyone. Counting everything except for what God wants you to do at that moment as lost. Nothing else, including you, matters. Embrace this and you will find purpose; see Gods’ value placed in you; Gods’ power and peace; and the reward of losing everything you could never keep in return for that which you can never lose.

See: http://www.desiringgod.org/DWYL/


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