Friday, September 30, 2005
Internet Control
Recent announcements by the United Nations that it supported a proposal to move control of the Internet from that of the United States to the U.N. This would include everything from the powerful computer servers that direct the internet traffic to the naming rights currently overseen by ICANN. The internet was developed by the U.S. Military and scientists from universities looking for ways to share information electronically and network peripheral equipment. ICANN is a private corporation with a board set upon by members from many nations. It is overseen and regulated by the Department of Commerce to prevent monopoly practices keeping the "net" fair and open to all.
Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department, said "We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet." In reply to the support of numerous nations he stated "...we think that's unacceptable."
Considering how well the U.N. has managed deviant nations balking at their resolutions such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein and how they incredibly mismanaged the Oil For Food Program over the past decade, I say that they U.S. decided wisely. To allow the Internet to remain free under what has driven its' success, capitalism, is to ensure it's growth and expansion. I also think that the U.N. is prone to elevate itself and it's military above the Rule of Law or any govorning moret's.
Is it perfect? No. Capitalism has led to the need for everything from integrated SPAM filters to FBI agencies responsible for tracking down pedophiles and fraudulent money schemers. But the freedom has made the internet the most powerful tool in the world today, and I might add, the most "united."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Really Honest, Really?

We make excuses such as "it's o.k. to compartmentalize areas of our lives" or "I just don't want to make waves so I keep my mouth shut." But by doing so we may be strengthening the others viewpoint which may ultimately cause harm to us or others. Possibly we are allowing truth to be hidden behind lies. We may be weakening our will to stand for anything. Maybe a little bit of all three. Honesty has become a difficult endeavor.
I have found that honesty may be harder to find within the church than even in the workplace. People will go through extraordinary contortions to hide the fact that maybe they enjoyed a cigar at a colleagues bachelor party. Maybe they lose control of their anger and blurt out unkind things that they wish they hadn't said. Maybe they felt that they never quite fit in or felt welcome within the church walls but hey, it's only one day a week so why complain about it. Maybe they really, really, really like sex. OMG. Did someone catch that? Maybe they enjoyed a nice Pinot Grigio with their Escargo last night but someone might assume that they may have a drinking problem. Maybe they went a couple of weeks without reading their bible or feeling like praying. Must be a heathen, right? Maybe it's that crazy serpent tatoo on your lower back that your trying hard to make sure no one sees when you bend over. Or, was it that you have been feeling depressed for no apparent reason for the last couple of months. Maybe it's that your struggling with caring or loving people. Could it be something as common as having doubts about God and His hand in your life. God forbid you should ever consider why you believe what you do and question the realities of life and faith and how they interface.
Wake up everyone. The above differential scenerios exist and can be applied to people everywhere. Black, white, yellow, brown and purple. Both outside and within the church. In the workplace, the ball park, the supermarket, the bank, everywhere. Christians need to get honest with themselves, each other AND with people who are outside of the church with whom they interact.
What does the world have to say about honesty?
Almost any difficulty will move in the face of honesty. When I am honest I never feel stupid. And when I am honest I am automatically humble.--Hugh Prather (I Touch the Earth, The Earth Touches Me)
Be sincere and true to your word, serious and careful in your actions; and you will get along even among barbarians, But if you are not sincere and untrustworthy in your speech, frivolous and careless in your actions, how will you get along even among your own neighbors? When stand, see these principles in front of you; in your carriage see them on the yoke. Then you may be sure to get along.--Confucius (The Analects)
Commend me to sterling honesty though clad in rags.--Sir Walter Scott
Deal honestly and objectively with yourself; intellectual honesty and personal courage are the hallmarks of great character.--Brian Tracey (The Treasury of Quotes)
Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is its own reward.--Laura Schlessinger
Every man should make up his own mind that if he expect to succeed, he must give an honest return for the other man's dollar.--Edward H. Harriman
Every time we give our word, it counts. For the most part, most people give it entirely too often. Our word is a precious commodity and should be treated as such.--John-Roger and Peter McWilliams (Do It! Let's Get Off our Buts)
He that loseth his honesty hath nothing else to lose.--John Lyly ("Euphues" Eushues: the Anatomy of Wit)
Hold firmly to your word.--Maimonides
An honest answer is the sign of true friendship.--Proverbs 24:26
Honesty is better than any policy.--Immanuel Kant (Appendix to "Perpetual Peace" On Honesty ed. by Beck)
"Honesty" without compassion and understanding is not honesty, but subtle hostility.--Rose N. Franzblau (in New York Post, 1966)
How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people.--Edward White Benson
I have found that being honest is the best technique I can use. Right up front, tell people what you're trying to accomplish and what you're willing to sacrifice to accomplish it.--Lee Iacocca
I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an "Honest Man."--George Washington (Maxim)
If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity,nothing else matters.--Alan Simpson
If you stand straight, do not fear a crooked shadow.--Chinese proverb
In the choice between changing ones mind and proving there's no need to do so, most people get busy on the proof.--John K. Galbraith
Integrity has no need of rules.--Albert Camus
Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.--Jim Stovall (You Don't Have to Be Blind to See)
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.--Spencer Johnson
Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.--Samuel Johnson
It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.--Noel Coward
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?--Fanny Brice
Life demands honesty, the ability to face, admit, and express oneself.--Starhawk
Many people today don't want honest answers insofar as honest means unpleasant or disturbing, They want a soft answer that turneth away anxiety.--Louis Kronenberger
Never esteem anything as of advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect.--Marcus Aurelius
No legacy is so rich as honesty.--William Shakespeare
No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which one is true.--Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter)
A "No" uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a "Yes" merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.--Mohandas Gandhi
Nothing so completely baffles one who is full of tricks and duplicity himself, than straightforward and simple integrity in another.--Charles Caleb Coltron (Lacon)
The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.--Harper Lee
People generally think that it is the world, the environment, external relationships, which stand in one's way, in the way of ones' good fortune... and at bottom it is always man himself that stands in his own way.--Soren Kierkegaard
The test of a government is not how popular it is with the powerful and privileged few but how honestly and fairly it deals with the many who must depend on it.--Jimmy Carter (Inaugural Address as Governor of Georgia, Jan. 12. 1977)
Thefts never enrich; alms never impoverish; murder will speak out of stone walls. The least admixture of a lie--for example, the taint of vanity, the least attempt to make a good impression, a favorable appearance--will instantly vitiate the effect.--Ralph Waldo Emerson
To be prosperous is not to be superior, and should form no barrier between men. Wealth out not to secure the prosperous the slightest consideration. The only distinctions which should be recognized are those of the soul, of strong principle, of incorruptible integrity, of usefulness, of cultivated intellect, of fidelity in seeking the truth.--William Ellery Channing
What's terrible is to pretend that the second-rate is first-rate. To pretend that you don't need love when you do; or you like your work when you know quite well you're capable of better.--Doris Lessing
With integrity you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt. With fear and guilt removed you are free to be and do your best.--Zig Ziglar (Zig Ziglar's Little Book of Big Quotes)
I have to believe that the world cannot fly in the face of honesty. It, as seen in the varied examples above, is considered essential in almost every secular, business, and spiritual discipline. If we are ever going to change our world, we have to start first with ourselves.
I for one am going to try. Will you? Honestly?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
A Collage of Thoughts

The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.
In bringing up the NOPD sheriff's claims made on national TV such as Oprah, I deride not so much the predictable misjudgment made by individuals living within a "hell-on-earth" situation, but the fact that EVERY MEDIA OUTLET IN AMERICA RAN WITH THESE UNPROVEN STATEMENTS AS FACTS! And there is no way to deny the fact that what is reported affects decisions made at every level. That's why we evidenced the moving in of extra refridgeration convoys to mobi-morgue the anticipated atrocity. We saw the shipping in of 20,000 body bags in preparation. It's great to be prepared. Especially when in every other way WE weren't. I say WE because failure occurred at EVERY level. From the local boondoggled public offices turning away Amtrak's offer to train people out; the delayed activation of the Governor's own National Guard personnel; to the much delayed movement by the Federal Government and the Military in the region to begin what it is they do. Most everyone failed. Churches were the fastest to respond along with the Red Cross and United Way. Each has it's own abilities that they bring to the table, or, should I say, the disaster zone. Churches are reportedly providing the majority of safe housing, food, and support being given to the evacuees of Katrina. Yet, the liberals are decrying the provision of ANY funds to these organizations that are currently meeting needs that the governments' agencies could not. And they are fulfilling a role that you libs would not. We need to make sure that these groups, agencies and ministries that are doing a tough job with amazing compassion are supported as they are doing the supported. We need to do this expediciously and judiciously.
"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
I am awestruck and repeatedly dumbfounded at the media's reporting any word, statement, tid-bit, morsel, and thought and reporting it as fact. I was brought up thinking that news should be the unbiased reporting of facts and tabloids were the unsupported publishing of everything else. We have become a nation of tabloid reporting. Not only this but that when faced with contradictory facts, are visibly absent from corrections and apologies. They self regulate so report to no one when they repeatedly bestow their lack of integrity and wisdom upon us. This needs to be brought to an end.
Did you know that the airplane Buddy Holly died in was named the "American Pie." (Thus the
name of the Don McLean song.)
Republicans are for Limited Government, lower taxes, less spending, and "Compassionate Conservatism." Well, if that's true, they have a lot of work to do. Our expansion of government is unprecedented and expected to grow further. Our National Debt is a number that is essentially the sum of the GNP of the rest of the world combined, and we see business compassion. Jobs gifted to friends such as the FEMA heads' at the expense of the rest of society is a crime. Cronyism must end immediately.
The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. Disgusting!
Will China be the next Saudi Arabia? Scientist's and Economist's thin so. China's 5-Year bid for becoming a global leader and financially solvent is not only nearing a pinnacle, but they plan on being the worlds leading supplier of the future energy sources. They hope to be the #1 exporter or energy to the rest of the planet. Does anyone besides me see a problem with this? It's time to be decidedly strategic with our energy plan. When the term "Comprehensive" is used, it needs to be entirely comprehensive. It's also going to hurt. All of us. For some time too. We should, as the leading consumer of oil, dictate exactly what we are willing to pay to OPEC. If they don't like $10 per barrel, then we'll take our business elsewhere. We need to keep technologies such as rapid prepared photovoltaic cells manufacturing, water engines, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, wind, ethanols and other H-based compounds under the strictest supervision. Offer tax free development ops for any companies working to develop alternative energy sources and technologies. Start planning for the funding of the rebuilding of our National Grid. Drill when possible. Respect the wildlife, but drill. Entice, or should I say incentivise, the petroleum companies in Texas to use their vast oil fields for their obvious solar and wind opportunities. Tell GM that if they ever want another Hummer order for the military that they WILL get their cars performing to standards of 80 MPG. Open up the competition to everyone to shop around for the lowest cost of energy. Raise standards for home building and reconstruction to improve the energy efficiency of new homes and improve the greening of industrial and commercial buildings. Create Night by lowering costs for companies that turn off the light after hours like in parking lots. We need to do it all. We need to start right away.
Did you know that by the time a cat is 15 years old, he's slept 10 years away...
And, since the world is outpacing us now in everything except waist size, we need to restructure our schooling places to emphasize proper diet and exercise. We need more options for students too. Not all are cross-country runners or football players. Yes there will be cost. But since we're going to kick out the junk food companies placing soda and candy machines in the schools halls, replace them with incentives to companies that make healthy products and sporting goods. Gatoraid can sponsor nationally a week of gym classes. Nike a month. They can promote their juices and jock straps that entire week. I could see PowerOne bars providing a free bar for breakfast with buy-one-get-one coupons and healthy eating information packs. Man, this would be great. For our kids futures.
Did you know that Coca-Cola was originally green? You have to know it's bad for you.
Anyway, sorry for the length of my daily rant. It's been a long week. Exactly 9 days according to the local media, but you can't believe everything you read. Have a great day.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the fast lane is the aspiration of countless millions, regardless of the career crashes and life-wrecks that litter that lane.
It is said that the problem with living life in the fast lane is, you get to the toll booth quicker
Stress now contributes to 90% of all diseases. Half of all visits to doctors are stress-related'. Anxiety reduction' may now be the largest single business in the Western world. These days more of us will die from a stress-related illness than from infection or old age. The only advantage of living stressfully: you'll get to meet your Lord earlier!
"US workers now work on average nine full weeks more than Europeans do. We have the shortest paid vacations in the world, and in 2002 Americans gave back 175 million days of paid vacation, time they already had coming, but failed to use. {"Where Did Our Time Go?" UU World, September; October 2004 }
It is a known fact that people can become addicted to adrenaline. Know any Type-A's? It's the natural caffeine!
Life will be busy but does it have to be hurried? We need to learn the discipline of being unhurried even though we are busy.
Our hurried busyness makes us tired. The promise to us as Christians is that we will be less burdened, less weary. Christ may carry our yoke for us... but we'd as sure enough pick up another one so we might get twice as much accomplished with two of us carrying yokes!
In Genesis 1 in the account of creation we easily recall that God rested on the 7th day. Yeah, a great analogy for us but remember that He also stopped everything at the end of each day to look at what He had just accomplished. He took a time out and said "Hhhhhmm, that was good!" Daily rest. The human body was designed to require it like it requires food, h2o and air. Are you doing this each night?
In Isaiah 30:15 "In returning and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength"
But how do we exist in a world that seems to be moving in fast-forward?
Henri Nouwen said "The great paradox of our time is that many of us are busy and bored at the same time." Which tells us that there is a difference between a life fully devoted to what God has called and equipped you to do, and the mindless preoccupation that is so characteristic of life in our modern world.
Thich Nhat Hanh has said, "If we are too busy, if we are carried away everyday by our projects our uncertainty, our craving how can we have time to stop and look deeply into the situation; our own situation; the situation of our beloved ones; the situation of our family and our community." {Ibid}
Sometimes it's a lack of trust that we refuse to let go of the reigns. In Exodus, the Lord speaks through Moses to hHis people to instruct them: "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:13-14
So, they needed to just drop everything, stand, and trust. That can be difficult for a lot of us. But I've come to realize, with a billion people burried as my evidence, that the world will keep on spinning and life will keep on happening without me at the controls. Well, I'm pretty sure that our lack of trust that God can handle things without our input has something to do with our stress levels. But it may not account for all of it.
Maybe our inability nowadays to see the forest for the trees has somethink to do with our prioritization. Let me give you an example. Remember the story of Zaccheus? He was the vertically challenged tax collector who tried desperately to see Jesus but could not because of the large crowd awaiting to see Him pass. It was like a parade route. People for a very long distance, many persons thick, standing, cheering, waving and shouting trying to get the attention of Jesus. So Zaccheus spots a tree a little ways down the parade route and makes the brazen decision to climb it. There must have been thousands upon thousands of people to force this guy to go through such extremes to see Jesus. I makes me think ever so fondly of the parade for our conquering Boston Red Sox and the purported Millions who lined the parade route. Anyway, thanks for the momentreflectionrelection there. Back to our story. Zaccheus is sitting up in this tree and is "shock-and-awed" when Jesus stops in the road, see's him up that tree and says "Zaccheus, come on down from there. I'm going to your house for lunch." And off they go. What amazes me the most is that most of us would have thought that the incredible crowd of people was the "Main Event" or the most important thing because of the sheer magnitude of it. But Jesus knew that Zaccheus was ready to change his life around. His heart was ready. And, best of all must have been the shocked throng of people who were expecting this parade of the healer/teacher/savior/master/Son of God to finish. Can you imagine if the Sox had just stopped half-way through, veered off the parade route and went to hang out with ________! (insert here the most hated person you could think of). The media frenzy would have lasted for weeks. But it goes to show that Jesus recognized that value lied not in that which looked the biggest, but in that which, no pun intended, was the smallest.
It is why mentoring one or two people is much more productive than preaching at a large audience focused investment.
Maybe our inability nowadays to see the forest for the trees has somethink to do with our prioritization. Let me give you an example. Remember the story of Zaccheus? He was the vertically challenged tax collector who tried desperately to see Jesus but could not because of the large crowd awaiting to see Him pass. It was like a parade route. People for a very long distance, many persons thick, standing, cheering, waving and shouting trying to get the attention of Jesus. So Zaccheus spots a tree a little ways down the parade route and makes the brazen decision to climb it. There must have been thousands upon thousands of people to force this guy to go through such extremes to see Jesus. I makes me think ever so fondly of the parade for our conquering Boston Red Sox and the purported Millions who lined the parade route. Anyway, thanks for the momentreflectionrelection there. Back to our story. Zaccheus is sitting up in this tree and is "shock-and-awed" when Jesus stops in the road, see's him up that tree and says "Zaccheus, come on down from there. I'm going to your house for lunch." And off they go. What amazes me the most is that most of us would have thought that the incredible crowd of people was the "Main Event" or the most important thing because of the sheer magnitude of it. But Jesus knew that Zaccheus was ready to change his life around. His heart was ready. And, best of all must have been the shocked throng of people who were expecting this parade of the healer/teacher/savior/master/Son of God to finish. Can you imagine if the Sox had just stopped half-way through, veered off the parade route and went to hang out with ________! (insert here the most hated person you could think of). The media frenzy would have lasted for weeks. But it goes to show that Jesus recognized that value lied not in that which looked the biggest, but in that which, no pun intended, was the smallest.
It is why mentoring one or two people is much more productive than preaching at a large audience focused investment.
Life, Joy, Peace, Contentment, Fulfillment, Happiness, and Pleasure are to be found in the small things. If you're trying to amass stuff, you'll soon enough find that there is more stuff available than any one person can amass. And then what? You know the Jones' family? The ones everyone are trying to keep up with? They are indebted up to their eyeballs and heading for divorce court. They don't know their own children or that they are looking for peace through doing drugs. Their cholesterol is 240 and they will probably succumb to a heart attack when they are only 43 years old.
Hey, Jesus was also tempted to run life in the fast lane. After all, He was only going to be on earth for a limited amount of time. Thirty three years in which to change the world. And the first thirty were spent in a carpenter shop. By every modern standard, He ought to have been rushing at breakneck speed. And yet, Jesus knew how to stop. Remember He was driven by compassion. There were many He wanted to heal, physically & spiritually.
He was constantly taking time away to pray, rest and reflect (often while hanging and having fun with His friends "The Righteous 12.") He set it as an example.
Choice is one of the things God gave us. It's like a key. It can be used to open a door somewhere or it can be used to secure us within something.
There is a way [a direction in life] which seems right to man, but in the end leads only to death. (Proverbs 14:12)
How do we break the cycle of stress and busyness? Well, the first is to choose to do so.
Then I would apply some of the following:
1. Find the tasks that God WANTS you to do. It may mean that you drop some you've been doing "just because."
2. Take regular time off. Jesus said, 'Come apart and rest awhile'. (Besides, if you don't rest awhile, you'll soon come apart!).
3. Get proper exercise and sleep. Accompanying this is the need to eat well and try to do it with your family whenever possible.
4. Relax. The relaxation response is the opposite of the fight/flight response. Just 20 minutes a day when we're free from the tyranny of 'things present' is enough to counteract the harmful effects of stress.
5. Stay involved with a small support group and your church family.
6. Change your thinking. Take a personal audit. Reassess your goals. Do this periodically.
7. Have fun! To belong to the kingdom you have to be like little children. Do this and the Kingdom of God belongs to you! Besides, you'll live longer. Eternally maybe!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Healing to a Wounded World
I found myself needing to stay home today as I battled a combination of cold and allergies which for the last week left me sleepless. Unable to lay down due to the small ocean within my head, I had many nights staring into my laptops LCD. Finding the world awake is comforting in itself. There is always newness. Refreshed automatically every moment, it is a psychotic melee of good, evil, life, death, kindness, bitterness, anger, sadness, joy, hope, war, ecstasy, passion, light, dark, colorful and a million shades of grey all at the same time.
How to choose what we take in is an art in itself requiring much discipline. But moments of haphazard trips to portals around the globe oft prove inspiring, educational and sometimes frightening.
I thought I might share with you a potpourri of news and sites which represent a snapshot of a million minds discussing multiple millions of topics. Some are humorous, some are not. Some portray the best of human nature and some the worst. The spectrum of human emotions in just a few clicks. How fascinating the human mind and heart to be able to juxtapose itself into and sympathize with many variable situations in a matter of minutes.
How to choose what we take in is an art in itself requiring much discipline. But moments of haphazard trips to portals around the globe oft prove inspiring, educational and sometimes frightening.
I thought I might share with you a potpourri of news and sites which represent a snapshot of a million minds discussing multiple millions of topics. Some are humorous, some are not. Some portray the best of human nature and some the worst. The spectrum of human emotions in just a few clicks. How fascinating the human mind and heart to be able to juxtapose itself into and sympathize with many variable situations in a matter of minutes.
Another good one...
So while the likes of Ted Kennedy spout political and maniachal words of doom; and Hurricane Rita moves in for a potentially catastrophic performance near Texas; and while Hamas continues its' purposeless war by now launching missiles into Israel from the newly "gifted" Gaza region; and while China continues it's world acquisition dollar-by-dollar; and as the Red Sox-Yankee rivalry grows better every year... we must remind ourselves that there is much news thrown at us every day and we must be balanced in what we allow our minds to be pelted with. Media will always be there spouting around the clock. Take the time to turn off some of the negative sources and turn on some of your newly discovered positive ones.
Another good one...
So while the likes of Ted Kennedy spout political and maniachal words of doom; and Hurricane Rita moves in for a potentially catastrophic performance near Texas; and while Hamas continues its' purposeless war by now launching missiles into Israel from the newly "gifted" Gaza region; and while China continues it's world acquisition dollar-by-dollar; and as the Red Sox-Yankee rivalry grows better every year... we must remind ourselves that there is much news thrown at us every day and we must be balanced in what we allow our minds to be pelted with. Media will always be there spouting around the clock. Take the time to turn off some of the negative sources and turn on some of your newly discovered positive ones.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
My son is dead...and I killed him

Hearing an interview earlier today on NPR which can be found here:( I was impressed upon to revisit one story in particular for myself. Being a dad, I warn you up front, prejudices my reaction to the story. But after much effort to put myself in the shoes of the father in the story, I sympathize with his position. I do not believe, after much thought, that I could bring myself to justify my actions as he did.
In the story, a strong, young man named Sabah acted as an informant to the American forces. He provided information on militants and munitions caches. His data proved critical for a Raid in his home town. Many were arrested and much weaponry confiscated. After the raid , the Iraqi informer walked among detainees, pointing them out to U.S. troops. Despite being disguised with a bag over his head, the informer was recognized by his fellow villagers by his yellow sandals and his amputated thumb. Justice was about to be metted out by the Muslim Cleric and leaders. Kill your son or we will exact vengence on your entire family. The next day, his father and brother, carrying AK-47s, entered his room before dawn and took him behind the house. With trembling hands, the father fired twice... Sabah's brother then fired three times, once at his brother's head, killing him. Sitting with the father later, Shadid found himself unable to ask the question he knew that as a journalist he had to ask: Had he killed his son? "In a moment so tragic, so wretched, there still had to be decency. I didn't want to hear him say yes. I didn't want to humiliate him any further. In the end, I didn't have to." "'I have the heart of a father, and he's my son,' he told me, his eyes cast to the ground. 'Even the prophet Abraham didn't have to kill his son.' He stopped, steadying his voice. 'There was no other choice.'"
I felt such an extreme heartache as I read this synopsis of the events that transpired, far away; in a place I've only dreamt of visiting; in another world. It's not just a political liberation that these people need. How about the freedom from fear. From the same brutality dealt by Hussein and his sons and cronies. From ideals that man can never achieve.
The assassination of our sons and daughters is not the desire of a loving God. These are not His punishments. The use of threats and fear to exact judgement do not coincide with the teachings my muslim friends speak of studying.I do understand the fathers grief, his fear; his burden. Dad's love their kids. Or should. But the dad was wrong. Dead wrong. There is always another choice. The choice to be made was to forgive and to love.
The Rule of Law

I have been amazed at the presumptions made by liberal politicians that John Roberts, if approved for the Supreme Court position recently opened by the death of Justice Rehnquist, would spell the end of justice in America. They decry that the clocks would be turned back 100 years should he preside over this country's highest court. Women would be enslaved and judicial prudence would be "for sale" to big industry who we all know are supported by Right Wing Extremist who are anti-black, environmental decimators, pro-war, and entirely grateful that they can keep their estates upon their deaths by repeal of Rockafellonian tax laws.
I can easily understand how Roberts personally might change the face of America bringing us back to the dark ages. His record indicates....oh, wait,....his record reveals voting that....uhm...actually, we find that his history is filled with judicial prudence and decisions that are supported by the likes of Souter, Thomas, O'Connor, Rehnquist, Kennedy, Ginsburg...whoa... you mean people who majorly vote left-leaning and people who vote right-leaning support his view points? But how dare he think he should be elevated to the status of impartiality of the Supreme Court when he successfuly held positions supporting Reaganesque ideals and industry. How could he possibly possess the character needed to see "all sides" of any given arguement? Might it be that he possess the exact skill set and character necessary to not only fill a vacancy but to improve upon the court's decisionmaking environment by being able to pose or answer questions from a number of viewpoints?
Being from Massachusetts, and loving both the history of this state and politics, I am reminded of the uniqueness of our own historical precendents. Two-hundred and thirty-five years ago, a massacre occured in our fine capital city. British soldiers fired upon an angry mob of demonstrators. By todays standards, they may have been the Cathy Sheehan type of crowd. They may have been the pro-life crowd. They were definetely anti-tax so I guess they would be Republicans or Independants by todays standards. It doesn't matter. The facts are that soldiers fired upon and killed 6 of our citizens. The early statesmen wanted an immediate lynching but we needed to prove to ourselves and the world that we were a truly different and law-abiding society. And here, the Rule of Law would be displayed on the worlds stage. A young Boston lawyer decided to use his own money to represent the soldiers on trial. He lost business because of his choice to represent the defendants. It was not a popular decision, but the right one. He won the case. And from here, the innocence until proven guilty and the right to an good attourney proved to the world that America was truly different. This man, by representing the soldiers proved his character through this trial and many others that would follow. His ability to see all sides of an issue enabled him above many others and proved beneficial as he entered the supreme of positions. He became the second President of the United States. The man was John Adams.
Might we be repeating history. The angry mob shouting death to the soldiers and pelting the lawyer with stones were proved wrong in the court of law in the case of Adams. I think too that they will be proven wrong in the case of Roberts. He might even prove to be a good President but that we will never know.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Goal !!!

My "little toughie" Nika kicking a goal during her last game. That's my girl!!!

Here is a soccer movie I hope to catch before '05 ends. It's entitled "Goal!"
Let me know what comes to mind as you ponder the following...
by Dean P. Remy
by Dean P. Remy
Rose petal tender
soft as such
along the wind it rides
delicate as
a newborns touch
nursing the sun inside
color partial
vibrant hue
reflect a masters hand
holding onto
morning dew
surviving in the sand
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Life, Death, Life?
By Dean P. Remy
The sands of time, a bitter pill
Slow poison bringing death
Thickening blood, loss of mind
Fleeting, useless breath
Know not the landscape, nor the place
that death has yet to show
In absence of a God’s true peace
to death in fear I go
A Smile Forever Yours
The following was a Eulogy I had to write a few years ago. It was for a young lady who tragically lost her life through her involvement with drugs. She was 22 and only a couple of months away from graduation with a double major from UMASS. She will always be a significant part of what drives me to work with the youth and young adults of this generation. To never let another slip much potential, so much we lost...
A Smile Forever Yours
By Dean P. Remy
Thank you all for coming to share the hardness of this period in our lives, the emptiness of a loved one no longer near, the memories of our lives impacted by someone I do hope that you have met.
Jessica… We’ll always know you as the one with the most beautiful smile that, even when you were down, would be as the morning sun breaking the horizon. How many times had we seen that smile of yours bursting at the seams at a youth event, a family cookout or just when “hangin” with friends you cherished. That smile, unbeknownst to you, warmed people of every background and belief to the very nature and loving acceptance of Christ. That smile was not a façade as it is to many in today’s world but a mere extension of your very self to another. I can only imagine that God will greet us in heaven with a smile much like yours.
Jessica… We’ll always remember your intellectual desire to understand God, man and truth. To not be afraid to question yourself and others as to “what” and “why” and “how.” I personally will always remember the “too numerous to count” conversations we had discussing both “faith” and “futures.” The honesty with which you strove to answer these questions is one in which I wish more Christians practiced. I remember our Youth Group “Open Forums” sessions during which teens would dig into the most difficult of topics and study differing viewpoints and then see where scripture would lead. You were never afraid to take the spiritually and emotionally challenging topics for yourself. Many adults today avoid doing what you found so natural to do.
Jessica… We’ll never know, for certain know, until we stand before God in his perfect revelation just how many lives you impacted during your time here with us. I know of at least one young lady today whom you befriended who today is the wife of a pastor of a start-up church, finished her own schooling at a Christian college and, who is today building the children’s-church program at the church they co-founded. This is a life once impacted with drugs and a desire to end it all that was turned around to one impacted by faith and hope. This is a life into which you injected your very being. The impact of this we see today. We see it in the lives of many of those children with whom she now works. They will never have to suffer from the things that once caused her to suffer. This is but one life into which you obeyed God’s call and loved.
Jessica… We’ll never forget sitting atop of “The Wall.” For those who may not remember or have been privy to this, “The Wall” was a very direct play for youth and by youth. It depicted a wall behind a local High School where teens would congregate, for reasons of all types. To fight, …to question, …to cry. You played an important role in both this production and the follow-up one “Tearing Down the Wall.” I think that there was something about this place that epitomized you. You existed with your sword, your head and your heart. And all three were important parts of you.
Jessica… We’ll never know, for certain know how we may have reached out to you more, listened more, advised more, given more. We also know we may not ever receive answers to the questions that remain. Including the most difficult one of…..”why?” We may come to realized that the answer lies somewhere in between. The question of a life cut short and a life set free. The question of understanding or blindly accepting. The question of why you and not me.
Jess… I think the answer can be found in this. We should endeavor to seek God’s truth and not be afraid to admit we don’t know all of the answers. God appreciates our honesty far more than our pride. He’ll meet us where we are. We should strive to lovingly accept those who may be difficult to love and not be afraid to inject ourselves into their lives. God himself alone knows the final chapter and rewards of our investment. We should ourselves be prepared to fight,…to question,…to cry. Fight for the things that God considers worthy of battle. Question the things that don’t line up with God’s word and seek answers when we may not have one. To cry. Cry for the things that break God’s heart. Not be afraid of opening ourselves up to the pain of others.
Jess… And finally…to smile. To make evident the joy of knowing that there is a God in heaven. To demonstrate the unexplainable acceptance of Jesus open arms to all. To break the darkness as the morning sun does the horizon. We should smile. We should smile with the same smile that God the father will be giving us when we join Him in Glory. To smile, with the same smile that was truly yours. The smile we will forever know and hopefully share with others too.
Cold Castles
Cold Castles was a poem I wrote about a young lady I know who finds the demonstration or receipt of love painfully difficult to understand or enjoy. Occasional acts of kindness have become a replacement for a genuine care and concern for people. And that, I find sad. To not be able to experience the joy of loving or being loved.
Forever you’ve resisted my love embrace
And my gentle kiss upon your sweet face
The wisdom to say the wisdom to not

Against all of these you’ve heartily fought
Never once have I seen a long lasting smile
Or joy overwhelming but for a while
To find any pleasure in life’s simple things
You pay them no value; you’ve brought down their kings
You love some by doing; a job never done
It keeps you from loving, or showing them some
Compassion or tenderness from deep inside
Afraid of the risk, in late shadows you hide
Like castles of old, you’ll mimic them all
Their walls, posts and turrets together will fall
Will it be from your own effort fighting within?
To break out of your prison of self doubt to win
Only one stone left standing, corner or grave
In cold, dark He reached down in effort to save
Did you hold on with dear life with what strength remained?
Or rebuild your walls ignoring beams hewn and stained
I wish I knew the teen named Kyle who wrote this but I thought the timing of the life lesson he shared couldn't be better. I was reminded that I need to daily take inventory of my life to enable me to keep focussed on what is truly important lest I be distracted by myself and my "wants."
"I didn't think much about it when the rain first started. Sure, the weatherman had predicted severe thunderstorms and the possibility of flooding, but that was for people who lived close to the river. I thought we were too far away to be bothered. But the rain didn't stop, and some some roads in our area had to be closed.
"This is pretty serious, isn't it?" my little sister, Kelly, asked my dad at breakfast.
"Duh", I answered. Kelly stuck out her tongue at me, and mom shot me "the look". She doesn't like it when I say that. In fact, there were alot of things my parents didn't like lately. My attitude was one thing. My friends were another. My parents said they couldn't understand why I hung out with such a lowly group of guys when I had such "nice" friends at church.
"If your friends aren't Christians, they're not going to act like Christians," my Mom told me time and time again. She was right about that. The fun my friends like to have was definitely not of the Christian variety. I'd been a believer long enough to know that. But instead of doing something about it, I just followed along- even though I couldn't say I felt good about what we had been doing and sometimes wondered if my parents weren't right after all.
My Dad got up from the table. "We don't have anything to worry about," he assured Kelly as he left for work. "We're high and dry." It was amazing how a couple of hours could change all that. The river rose faster than anyone had ever seen, and suddenly our part of town was being threatened. Dad was back home at noon. "They're going to build a flood wall on the east side of town," he told Mom. "The river is really swelling. If we don't do something now, this whole town is going to be under water.
"Can I help?" I asked.
Dad and Mom exchanged looks. I was supposed to be grounded for being out with my friends past curfew the Friday before. I could see the two of them silently debating whether or not they should lift my restriction. "Sure," Dad finally said. "Get into your oldest clothes."
When I went to change, Dad told Mom to start packing. "We'd better be ready for anything."
The rain had turned to drizzle by the time Dad and I arrived at the flood-wall site.
"Look at all the people," I said. Some were shoveling sand into bags while others passed the bags to where the wall was being built.
"If we're going to turn this disaster around, it's going to take teamwork," Dad said. I nodded. "Take a place in line," Dad told me as he picked up a shovel. "I'm going to help fill bags."
The work was back breaking. The lady next to me would toss me a bag, and then I'd toss it to the guy next to me. There's nothing like passing sandbags to give you some perspective on life. I thought about the flood and what a disaster it would be if the water reached our house. I thought too, about the disaster my life had become.
"Bet you could think of some things you'd rather be doing today," the guy next to me said.
"Yeah," I agreed, "about a hundred."
He laughed. "I couldn't agree more." Then he stuck out his hand. "I'm Bill".
We shook hands. "Kyle."
"So, Kyle, why'd you decide to help?" the guy asked.
"Well, it was this or stay grounded," I told him. "I broke curfew last week."
"Not a good move," Bill added with the hint of a smile.
"You're telling me," I said, shaking my head. "You know, I can't remember the last time I made a good move. At least, according to my parents. Why are you here?" I asked.
"Nowhere else to go," he said. "My house is under water."
"And you're here?" I was amazed.
"Seems like the Christian thing to do."
"I guess it is," I said, surprised by his answer.
"The way I figure it," Bill continued, "I could be mad at God for letting all this happen, or I could ask Him to help me through it. Either way, my circumstances won't change. God's in charge and I'm not. The only thing that I can change is my attitude.
I was quiet as I thought about what Bill had said. Who's in charge of my life? I wondered.
I almost laughed. That wasn't such a tough question. The church part was in God's hands, the friends part was in mine, and the punishment part- that was firmly in my parent's grasp. Meanwhile, my life seemed to go from one disaster to another.
What was it my Dad had said earlier? "If we're going to turn this disaster around, it's going to take teamwork." I knew he was right. But just as fighting a raging river was too big a job for any one person to tackle alone, so was turning my life around. I needed help. Lord, I can't do this job by myself, I prayed right there in the midst of the people and sandbags and raindrops. I need your help.
I wish I could tell you that at the moment of my prayer, the sun broke through the clouds and a glorious rainbow appeared as a sign that God had heard me. But that didn't happen. There were still sandbags to pass and a river to fight. And someone said more rain was predicted for that night. But I knew it would be okay. None of us had to fight off disaster alone. It would be a team effort. "
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillipians 4:6
Friday, September 16, 2005
Let me take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Dean Remy and I live in Massachusetts. I am married to a wonderful young lady named Amy whom I met in college and together we have a dog, 2 cats, 2 fish and 5 children. My degree was in Medical Technology and Amy's was in Electrical Engineering. I now do sales of Proteomic and Genomic Analysis Systems and Amy teaches upper level mathematics. Life is funny how it changes directions in what often appears haphazard or random in nature.
I am passionate about several things. My family, travel, good food, cooking, youth and young adult mentoring, politics, music, and God. I decided to start this blog to enable me, or should I say force me, to write down my thoughts and mind-battles as I am encountering the collision of my life, my beliefs, and my faith. I encourage you to help me as move through life by offering your own experiences, wisdom, thoughts, relevant ideas, and challenges to me and others through this blog.
Hopefully, together we will learn, grow and challenge one another to a higher standard of living. The result will be more compassion for people, the environment, and ourselves despite our shortcomings. God Bless.