A community of people who strive everyday to understand their place and role in todays' world; try desperately to come to grips with their short-comings; and evaluate and challenge what they believe and hold to be true.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Politics, Politics, Politics

Media Bias? California researcher say that they have compiled the most exhaustive sorting of headlines, news reports, placement, word selection and such and have found that "yes indeed, there is media bias and it is left leaning." I'm sure you're all surprised by this, right? After all, a rediculously high number of reporters and editors vote left of center and view reality with the same shaded spectacles as most of the Hollywood elite. I bet you can guess which papers and which news programs were left, centrist, or right winged. Fox was one of the more right of center but did have a significantly high amount of centrist commentaries.

Are you concerned about the government surveilance of communications? I'm not but then again, I have nothing to hide. But I am disturbed by the media's pounding of the liberal drums that the government is evesdropping on us all and we are at risk. And, It's a Bush thing. It is not a Bush thing.

Clinton, February 9, 1995: "The Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order"

WASH POST, July 15, 1994: Extend not only to searches of the homes of U.S. citizens but also -- in the delicate words of a Justice Department official - to "places where you wouldn't find or would be unlikely to find information involving a U.S. citizen... would allow the government to use classified electronic surveillance techniques, such as infrared sensors to observe people inside their homes, without a court order."Deputy Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick, the Clinton administration believes the president "has inherent authority to conduct warrantless searches for foreign intelligence purposes."

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Gen. Michael Hayden, the principle deputy director of national intelligence, in defense of the National Security Agency's (NSA) program that eavesdrops on Americans' communications: Gonzales said one party to the communication must be outside the United States and linked with al-Qaida or an affiliate organization. "The president has not authorized ... blanket surveillance of communications here in the United States."

Gonzales would not provide the documents laying out the legal arguments for the program, but he didn't rule out releasing more information later. "We're engaged now in a process of educating the American people ... and educating the Congress."

So, since Watergate really opened our eyes to the potential uses and misuses of surveilance, we are now ready to throw out the baby. Even at the risk of our own peril. Welcome to America.

But you know, we'll insist it's because of the inherent check-and-balences that make the American experiment work. If that's so, then they shouldn't be almost fascist against gun in the hands of ordinary civilians. After all, the Right-to-Bear means that the government is controlled by the public and, if it assumes too much control, then the public can forcibly put it in its' place. BTW, did you notice how please Harry Reid seemed to be when the Patriot Act was originally being signed? See the picture of him right next to "W."

I read an interesting, but not surprising, article on Stalin. He actually initiated a program to try to create a type of ultimate warrior by genetically merging humans and apes. They were to be physically stronger, less prone to complain over food and living conditions, and more pain tolerant. As you can guess, their experiments of implanting ape sperm with human eggs failed miserably. The scary thing is that they actually had human "volunteers." I wonder how they were "made into" volunteers.

I am worried that Bolivia may be heading into coca-mass-production as the "only viable way" that they might bring themselves out of poverty. We had better start considering the consequences of how we handle the election of a coca farmer named Evo Morales to the position of president there. Maybe our drug policy should be the cheapest one-way fair for any addict who would like to retire with cheap drugs. Send them via planes down to Bolivia. Great weather, free drugs. If they hate to fly, then just send them a little north to Canada.

Speaking of Canada. I just read that the U.S. operated a nuclear sub, the USS Charlotte, through a part of the Canadian's Northwest Passage on up to the North Pole during its' recent tour. The Canadian government is silent on whether they authorized the U.S. navy to traverse its' territorial waters but I'm sure we'll hear accusations flying onto the front pages of the Canadian Post soon. It's election time up there and it's always considered good politics in Canada to speak down to and play verbal challenge to the United States. It garners support for either party that employs it. It's rampant up there now. I think it would be justified policy that we completely shut off all trade and close the northern borders 6 months prior to Canadian elections. This way, they can win elections by who has the best plan on aiding relations with the United States and restoring their economy. After all, let's be realistic, the Canadian economy survives because we are their southern partner. If Mexico was Canada's southern alliance, it would resemble a large version of the island of Dominica with the DR on one side and Haiti on the other. One side twice as prosperous as the other but both still desperately poor in lieu of the worlds' status. I will assume that the 2 planes that Harper hopes to boost the Canadian Air Force by are made in the U.S. too. Hate to see that price tag in Canadian dollars though. Ouch! BTW, Harper is a nutcase second only to some of those south of us and presiding over places such as Iran and Syria. If you don't believe me, let's talk again in 6 months if he is elected. Check out his plan for trade with the U.S. here.
Abdullah Khadr, the oldest son of a (you guessed it) Canadian family confessed to American authorities he bought weapons two years earlier for al-Qaida. Khadr admitted his involvement in a plot to kill Americans and the prime minister of Pakistan.
"During a six-month period in 2003, Khadr bought about $20,000 worth of AK-47 rounds, rocket-propelled grenades, rockets and mortar rounds, Jenkins said in the document supporting Khadr's extradition to the U.S. "In addition, he confessed that he provided explosive components, namely hydrogen peroxide, to make mines for al-Qaida's use," said Jenkins, a member of a national security enforcement unit which investigates criminal extremism in Canada. "These mines were to be used against U.S. and Coalition Forces. Khadr knew of approximately 60 land mines that were completed and some of these contained the hydrogen peroxide he provided."

Let's keep an eye on what happens in this Toronto courtroom. It may be that since it IS election time that Khadr may be raised up as a Canadian hero fighting against the tyranny of the United States.

If all this bad news makes you want to kill yourself, check yourself in to a Swiss hospital named the Vaud. They will allow you an exit strategy with the assistance of the Exit Society. They join the Nederlands and Belgium as European nations that have legalized euthanasia. Obviously Germany and France will not be far behind with maybe Spain beating them to the altar of liberalism.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Some Great Video Postings

So, do you like watching movies, clips and shorts? I do. Here's a mix that I'll hope you enjoy.

Wild Feet - Freestyle
TBN Movies for free download
Invisible Skateboards
Glass Door Humor

Behind the Plane
All Things To All Mankind

Have a Good Night!

"Why Do I Do What I don't Want To Do?"

“Why do I always do what I don’t want to do?” This famous question by Paul still rings true today. Yet I would not forget, “Why don’t I do the things that I want to do?”

I think some of the following translations make it even more personal.

“I don't understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. NLT

In fact, I don't understand why I act the way I do. I don't do what I know is right. I do the things I hate. Contemporary English Version

In the immortal words of Pogo, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

It’s true. It has no base in that God is distant or that we are incapable of self-management. It has everything to do with us…and the choices we make. That’s it.

Oh, I know it’s a little oversimplified, maybe. But outside of tragic events or systemic, long-lasting abuse, we should be easily enabled to make wise decisions.

Decisions that are in-line with God’s plans for us.

In-line with His way of thinking.

Who here has ever said “Why do I always do what I don’t want to do?”

Isn’t it true that we all have particular struggles? Areas we wish we could do better?

What are some?

Our temper, over-spending, eating, mood swings, drinking, sexual desires are just a few of the issues that we all deal with.

Here is a list of some of the substances, attitudes, and behaviors that most commonly become addictions (remember that anything can become an addiction):

Work Perfectionism Control
Sex Intellectualization Relationships
Drugs (illegal and legal, including nicotine and caffeine)
Misery (negaholism) Gossip Alcohol
"Rescuing" Others Religious Activity Food
Gambling Criticism Rage
Adrenaline Lust Materialism
Self Hate Thoughts of Death Self Abuse

"Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1: 14, KJV (Word "lust" is translated "evil desire" in the NIV) or…

“We are tempted by our own desires that drag us off and trap us.” CEV

“A man is tempted to do wrong when he lets himself be led by what his bad thoughts tell him to do.” New Life Version

"The sin that is inside of me, that is stronger that I am makes me do these evil things" Rom 7:17

"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul." I Peter 2:11 KJV

“Dear friends, your real home is not here on earth. You are strangers here. I ask you to keep away from all the sinful desires of the flesh. These things fight to get hold of your soul. When you are around people who do not know God, be careful how you act. CEV

Peter beseeched us, not even as a new Christian, for he was many years a believer when discussing his own struggles and temptations. He equated our bound-ness to sin as being a “slave to the flesh.”

He said, "Who will deliver me from this body of death?" And we know that that was a way of Roman capital punishment. A man convicted of murder was made to carry the body of the man he killed chained to his back. He would do this as the body was decomposing and decaying. Eventually contaminating and fusing with his own back.

Paul uses that body of death as a metaphor now in regards to his own life of sin.

God has dominion over the chains that bound the old dead guy to your back. They’ve been broken.

The problem is that we’ve grabbed a-hold of the ends of those chains and are holding that dead body to ourselves.

Fearful of the pain it would cause to let go. After all, it’s become one with us. A part of us and a part of who we are.

We have given a birth to a fear of losing the sin nature that we’ve allowed more power than the fear of not letting him go.

The Experience of the Numinous: It's the Real Thing

What we become frustrated with is the way sin acts itself out in our own personal experience, but to understand it fully we must first look at what’s referred to as the experience of the numinous. A Greek work best described by William Shakespeare.

The experience of the Numinous: A profound disturbance in the soul, excited by the presence of One so great that "Under it my genius is rebuked..." (Shakespeare)

Numinous is the awe-debilitating presence of one so great and powerful that we become as nothing. It is caused by nothing of this earth.

It is what I think is missing from the experience and relationship of most Christians.

John the Revelator "fell on his face as one dead" at the feet of Christ in a numinous experience. (See Revelation 1:17)

Even Adam and Eve who had never had a reason to experience fear, his from God when they had entertained sin.

Numinous awe is what Jacob experienced when he awakened from the vision of the ladder to Heaven and sensed the presence of God in that place. (See Genesis 28)

In the numinous experience, all else but the worship of God fades into insignificance. The emotion can be intense as in surges of joy and gratitude mixed with the awe.

Or it can be accompanied by a deep sense of peace.

Either way, sin and self are unable to stand as an affront to God.

It’s a place where we are left speechless.

It’s a place where we are left feeling altogether small but wonderfully loved.

It’s a place where our thoughts are His thoughts.

It’s a place where we can see and recognize the awesome power of a newborn in a manger and of a dead man brutalized upon a cross.

It’s a place where all addictions and lusts are replaced by this one source.

Again, the question. “Why do I always do what I don’t want to do?”

It’s because I haven’t been continually in the numinous experience. Or have left it, or have forgotten it or never experienced it.

And, because of this, our capacity to sin flies in the face of a God who offers us freedom.

We are created for a numinous experience with God. There is a place deep inside us that can only be filled by the presence of God Himself, in what John Eldridge calls "the sacred romance". Deep connection with the Divine is the only thing that can ever satisfy our hearts most profound longing.

Facing the truth about our problems, we must:

"CONFESS your sins to each other and pray for each other so God can heal you" James 5:16 (New Century Version)

DEDICATE: "…Give yourselves completely to God since you have been given new life (Rom 6:12-13 NLT)

Experience the Numinous and the “old man” will be seen for what he is, merely a dead guy we’ve been carrying around of our own strength.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Earth is a Conflicted Place

Crazy news lately. I was fascinated by the poll of the national media which found that 67% of reporters, pundits and editors believed that the United States mission in Iraq was failing miserably. While 78% of our military personal on the ground in Iraq felt things were going well and as planned. I'm more predisposed to believe the ones who are actually on the front lines doing the work than those sitting at their wall-facing-desks a thousand miles away.
How about the Supreme Court hearings on the NH Parental Notification Law. The arguments seemed to almost entirely focus on the incredulous chance that a minor might need an immediate emergency abortion and no parent can be found. First of all, the process most referred to today was in cases such as eclampsia. Often an abortion is contraindicated in cases of such. BUT NOT IMMEDIATELY. Usually the individuals blood pressure is so unstable that an abortion SHOULD NOT BE IMMEDIATELY PERFORMED until the pressure, amongst other conditional functionals, are stabilized. Justice Scalia retorted brilliantly that if it's such a time critical emergency that no time for a phone call exists, then for God's sake, the doctor probably doesn't have time to scrub or don gloves. Even in cases where there might be an immediate emergency need to do such an drastic technique, there are already laws and statutes on the books authorizing AND mandating that the medical personnel do such. Hence, no one would be left to die on a table because they NEEDED and emergency abortion because they couldn't reach a parent or guardian. Think of it. The child, and I'll call them children because they still are, could potentially go in for an abortion requiring no notification. But, if something went wrong during the process, the doctor would need to stop and contact a parent or guardian because now the corrective treatment requires that notification occur. My kids can't get an aspirin from the school nurse without her calling me for permission but could get an abortion and potentially suffer major consequences without them feeling the need to inform me? Are they out of their minds? If you get the chance to download the oral arguments today, they speak for themselves. It's about money and power. Nothing else.
Did you hear about the Caucasian and female suicide bomber? Born and bread in "white-bread" Belgium, this 37 year-old named Murielle Degauque, donned a belt of explosives and tried to kill members of an American Patrol Unit in Iraq. Fortunately, she was the only fatality. She has, however, been referred to as a "typical girl-next-door." But how typical is she really? She had a habit of hanging out with "difficult kids." She explored drugs. I guess that's typical for Europeans at least. She had married and divorced a Turkish man; met and then left an Algerian; and then met a Moroccan....oh wait, I mean a Belgian of Moroccan extraction (named Issam Goris), who then married her, took her to Morocco and helped her convert to Islam. This conversion to Islam is what predicated her sympathy for Osama-Bin-Satan and her desire to commit Jihad. For what, I don't know. The 79 virgins are for the males only. This is what European news says typifies the common girl-next-door. If this is what we can expect as the typical European girl, I'll tell my sons to not only buy American but marry American!
How about this one from my home state: A mall in Massachusetts issued an apology after a 4-year-old girl was apparently told she was not allowed to sit on Santa's lap unless she purchased a $21 picture of the meeting. "I See Stupid People..."
How about this scary one: Russian Squirrels bit a stray dog to death which had been barking at them in a Russian park. Them are some tough squirrels my friend!
And finally, is nothing sacred anymore: Nativity Video Link As if that's the worst they can do.

Spinning On My Stress Ball, The Earth

Do you ever have those days? You know, when you say "God, I'm gonna do my best to try to get it right!" And then, all of a sudden, you put your leg over the side of the bed and dropped your feet to the floor and it's all over from there? Well, that was today. A Thursday much like most Monday mornings except it was all day. Unexpected construction zones and an old lady driving 10 mph under our already ridiculously slow speed limits had me pulling into the train station as the train was pulling away. I then toyed (for 5 seconds) with the crazy idea of racing at the speed of sound to the next station and beating the train. Well, I'm sure you can guess what I did. I knelt in prayer and said "O.K. God, your in control here and I'm not. What would you..." Not. I gunned it and beat the train to the next station. Couldn't find a parking space so I parked illegally in the woods. Figured the squirrels would protect my truck from being towed. I then jumped on board and tried to get some work done. I fell asleep and missed my rail stop. Ooops. Now I had to bus it back to where I supposed to get off. And you know what? That was the good part of my day. How was yours?